Certify DIgital Soft sKills

Project Results

During the project’s lifetime the consortium will deliver the following results:



  • knowledge and know-how related to the conscious use of new digital technologies;
  • a wide range of interpersonal skills necessary to operate effectively in new contexts;
  • skills related to the concept of e-leadership, i.e. the ability to lead people and organizations in the changes taking place.


SELF-ASSESSMENT SERVICE ON DIGITAL SKILLS (SELF ASSESSMENT PLATFORM), aimed at assessing the skills included in the model, available to students involved in VET and workers interested in retraining and updating processes (continuing education). For the former, the self-assessment will be an opportunity to acquire full awareness of their real level of preparation for a highly digitalized world of work; for the second will represent a solid reference to dimension in a realistic way their actual skills gap and be able to plan their professional development. The SAP C-DISK is innovative in that it is able to provide personalized feedback on all three areas of competence provided by the model – technological, soft skills and e-leadership – on the basis of which to calibrate customized training paths based on the starting level.


PACKAGE OF INNOVATIVE TRAINING COURSES AIMED AT DEVELOPING DIGITAL SKILLS (BLENDED TRAINING TOOLKIT), each of which accompanied by macro and micro design, teaching materials and guidelines for teachers, declined in relation to the type of target (students and workers) and designed in a modular logic, in order to be designed flexibly on the basis of the needs of different users.


CERTIFICATION SERVICE FOR ACQUIRED SKILLS, a process of final certification of acquired skills on the basis of learning outcomes and punctually defined measurement criteria, using the Open Badge System (an innovative experimentation of the micro-credential system), which will constitute a sort of ‘license’ able to promote the mobility of workers in the labor market and facilitate the transition of students coming from VET courses towards the same.

News and activities

Stay up-to-date with the latest developments and events of the C-DISK project, as we work towards promoting digital competence and soft skills for lifelong learning and workforce development. From conferences and webinars to training programs and certification initiatives, we’re committed to creating a dynamic community focused on addressing the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.

The role of digital soft skills in career advancement

The role of digital soft skills in career advancement

In a digitalized job market, the ability to communicate effectively across various digital platforms, collaborate with remote teams, and adapt to new technologies and workflows can set professionals apart from their peers. Employers increasingly value individuals who can not only perform technical tasks but also excel in managing relationships, leading virtual teams, and solving problems creatively.

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