Certify DIgital Soft sKills

Welcome to the C-DISK Project Website


In the current day and age, the Digital transformation is characterized in three main areas:

  • Technological: use of new digital technologies, such as social media, mobile devices, sophisticated data analysis tools;
  • Strategic-Organizational: change in organizational processes and business models;
  • Economic-Social: impact on all aspects of human life, in particular on the process of education and professional training (initial and continuous) as well as on the labour market dynamics.


Organizations and workers are called to keep up with the new ‘digital world’ and avoid the risk of losing competitive positions and being excluded from the labor market. Successfully addressing Digital Transformation requires companies and workers to develop a wide range of digital and interpersonal knowledge, skills and attitudes, there is a strong backwardness in the development of strategies at the level of human capital in order to accompany DT: only 20% of companies have initiated cultural change and skills development actions; the lack of adequate staff and skills in the digital environment (36%) represents one of the major obstacles to the development of a digital strategy. At the same time, inadequacy of the available VET programs and a skill shortage on the labour market occur; hence, the urgent need to update and integrate professional training (initial and continuous) processes in order to facilitate digital transitions in the labour market.

Based on those findings, C-DISK project has the following objectives:


Supporting the growth of the level of digital skills, both technological knowledge and soft skills / e-leadership, of students and workers involved in VET and continuous training processes


Contributing to the reduction of the mismatch between supply and demand (skill shortage) of adequate professionalism on the labour market in light of the digital transformation


Favouring the formal recognition of the acquisition of digital skills, hard and soft, in support of transition processes / labour mobility (school-work, intersectoral, between territorial areas, between countries)


Increasing the capacity of initial and continuing vocational training institutes to design and deliver training courses for the development of students ‘and workers’ digital skills

News and activities

Stay up-to-date with the latest developments and events of the C-DISK project, as we work towards promoting digital competence and soft skills for lifelong learning and workforce development. From conferences and webinars to training programs and certification initiatives, we’re committed to creating a dynamic community focused on addressing the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.

The role of digital soft skills in career advancement

The role of digital soft skills in career advancement

In a digitalized job market, the ability to communicate effectively across various digital platforms, collaborate with remote teams, and adapt to new technologies and workflows can set professionals apart from their peers. Employers increasingly value individuals who can not only perform technical tasks but also excel in managing relationships, leading virtual teams, and solving problems creatively.