One of the key challenges for e-leaders today is to manage their team in a hybrid workplace setting. In her article “Four Principles to Ensure Hybrid Work Is a Productive Work”, Lynda Gratton provides practical advice for a new way of managing time and space for reaching a higher level of cooperation, motivation, focus and coordination among people.

The article outlines essential strategies for making hybrid work effective. The principles focus on enhancing energy, focus, coordination, and cooperation within hybrid teams. It emphasises the importance of intentional design in hybrid work setups, understanding the trade-offs between different work environments, and aligning work practices to support productivity. Leaders are encouraged to experiment and adapt to find the best balance for their teams.

The C-DISK project aims at supporting managers and trainers to be aware of their e-leadership competencies (a self-assessment tool will be available and freely accessible next July, don’t miss the opportunity!) and choose customised training programs to improve them, through engaging and updating learning materials.

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