We’re excited to share with you the latest developments in the C-DISK Project (2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000028010) through our second newsletter!

Third Transnational Meeting: A Landmark Event in Turku, Finland

On the 9th and 10th of May 2023, the C-DISK project consortium held its third transnational meeting in Turku, Finland. This gathering provided a forum for partners to present previous steps of the PR1/A1 output and plan future steps toward finalizing the C-Disk digital skills model.

The meeting also featured an in-depth review of the survey conducted across all partner countries. We’re looking forward to sharing detailed analyses and statistical correlations pertaining to age, gender, and roles with our target group shortly.

Further discussions on upcoming tasks and responsibilities set the foundation for our next results.

Looking Ahead: Upcoming Tasks and Events

Our partners have committed to hosting focus groups in their respective countries with 10 representatives from the target group. The insights gathered will directly contribute to the finalization of the C-Disk digital skills model.

As we move into June, the development of the assessment and the training toolkit will commence.

What’s Next for the C-DISK Project

Over the coming months, our focus will be on developing the Self-Assessment Service for the Degree of Understanding of Digital Skills. This tool, designed for students and workers alike, will allow individuals to gauge their readiness for a digitized labour market, identify skill gaps, and plan their professional development.

To bring this tool to life, we’ll be:

  • Defining the technical specifications and conceptual design of the platform.
  • Developing the platform, integrating content, and incorporating visual solutions.
  • Conducting technical testing and pilot actions across partner countries to collect feedback for the fine-tuning of the service.

Our Dedicated Partners

Our project’s success is built on the collaboration between ECOLE (Italy), UPI Zalec (Slovenia), University of Turku (Finland), RISEBA (Latvia), BIC Innobridge (Bulgaria), IDEC (Greece), and ASFOR (Italy).

As Simeon Preston continues to remind us, “The biggest part of our digital transformation is changing the way we think.”

Stay Connected with C-DISK

Are you interested in following our journey or learning more about the C-Disk project? Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for all the latest updates!

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